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SmartRMS Risk Analysis Software

Advanced & Fastest Risk Analysis Software.

SmartRMS is a powerful risk analysis software designed to help leaders monitor and take informative and calculative decision to manage the positions of their groups and clients effectively. It provides comprehensive insights into positions, m2m, risks, and performance metrics through intuitive reporting features. Moreover all the reports can be exported to Excel for further analysis.

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SmartRMS Features

Client Portfolio Report

View user-wise and underlying-wise positions with position breakdown, scenario analysis and metrics.

Equity Short Report

Prevent equity auctions by identifying and addressing short positions in advance for better risk management.

Physical Delivery Report

Identify positions that might result in ITM obligations on expiry and track clients for physical delivery.

Risk Mitigation

Concentration Risk Report

Evaluate client-wise margins using pie charts and analyze margin percentage usage per script.

Scenario Analysis Report

Modify scenario calculations based on LTP, BEP, IV Percentage, Stock Percentage and analyze potential risks.

Violations Report

View banned scripts for the day. and check if any clients have traded in banned scripts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is SmartRMS?

SmartRMS is a risk analysis software designed to help leaders and traders effectively monitor and manage their clients’ positions. It offers real-time tracking of risks, performance metrics, and positions through intuitive reporting features. The software allows users to export reports to Excel for further analysis, ensuring detailed risk assessment.

SmartRMS provides essential insights into client portfolios, such as concentration risks, margin utilization, and compliance violations. Its goal is to help traders make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and enhance overall trading performance.

How does the Client Portfolio Report help traders?

The Client Portfolio Report enables traders to monitor client positions on both user and underlying levels. It also provides detailed metrics including MTM (Mark-to-Market), utilized margin, net position, and option Greeks (Delta, Vega, Theta, Gamma).

The Smart RMS software offers scenario analysis with potential risk assessments for both upside and downside trends. This report helps traders make data-driven decisions, assess overall portfolio health, and manage risk exposure efficiently.

What is the Underlying View Report in SmartRMS?

The Underlying View Report allows traders to track positions grouped by underlying scripts. It provides insights into which clients are active in specific stocks and assesses their performance. This report also includes risk alerts, which instantly notify traders about potential losses in specific scripts.

How does SmartRMS assist in managing delivery obligations?

The Delivery Report in SmartRMS helps traders track client obligations related to physical delivery on expiry dates. It identifies positions that might result in in-the-money (ITM) obligations, enabling traders to take necessary actions in advance.

By monitoring and managing physical delivery risks, SmartRMS helps traders avoid unwanted stock deliveries and optimize their trading strategies.

What is the Concentration Risk Report, and how does it benefit traders?

Through the Concentration Risk Report, traders can diversify their positions by identifying excessive exposure in a single script. It can reduce the risk of significant losses. This ensures better capital allocation and minimizes exposure-related vulnerabilities.

What does the Violations Report track?

The Violations Report, also known as the Ban Script Report, provides daily updates on banned scripts. It helps traders monitor whether any clients have traded in restricted stocks. This report ensures compliance by preventing unauthorized trades and minimizing regulatory risks.

What are the key benefits of using SmartRMS?

SmartRMS provides real-time monitoring of client positions and risks, enabling proactive decision-making. It offers advanced analytics, including scenario simulations and customized reporting. The software allows users to generate detailed reports in Excel for further analysis.

SmartRMS helps mitigate risks by identifying potential losses and obligations before they escalate. With a user-friendly interface and intuitive dashboards, it simplifies risk monitoring and enhances overall trading efficiency.

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