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Home / Glossary / Saving Schemes / EPF Interest Rate


The Employee Provident Fund (EPF) is a cornerstone of retirement planning for millions of salaried employees in India. One crucial aspect of the EPF is the interest rate, which directly affects the growth of an individual’s savings over time. This guide explores the EPF interest rate, explains how it’s determined, reviews its historical trends, and compares it with other investment options like the Public Provident Fund (PPF).

What is EPF Interest Rate?

The EPFO declares the annual EPF interest rate, which is credited to EPF account holders. This rate significantly impacts the growth of the EPF corpus over time.

Determining the EPF Interest Rate

  1. Economic Conditions: The EPF interest rate is influenced by prevailing economic conditions, including inflation rates, fiscal policies, and market trends.
  2. Government Policies: The rate is also subject to changes based on government policies and recommendations from the Central Board of Trustees (CBT) of the EPFO.
  3. Investment Returns: The EPFO invests the EPF corpus in various securities, and the returns from these investments play a significant role in determining the interest rate.

Historical Trends of EPF Interest Rate

The EPF interest rate has seen fluctuations over the years. Historically, it has been around 8% to 9% per annum. Here are some recent interest rates:

  • 2020-2021: 8.50%
  • 2019-2020: 8.50%
  • 2018-2019: 8.65%
  • 2017-2018: 8.55%

How to Calculate EPF Interest Rate?

The EPF (Employee Provident Fund) interest calculation involves several components, including employee contributions, employer contributions, and the rate of interest declared annually by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how EPF interest is calculated:

1. Understanding Contributions:

  • Employee’s Contribution: Typically 12% of the employee’s basic salary and dearness allowance.
  • Employer’s Contribution: Typically 12% of the employee’s basic salary and dearness allowance, of which 8.33% goes to the Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) and the remaining to the EPF.

2. Interest Rate:

The EPF interest rate is determined annually by the EPFO and is usually announced at the end of the financial year. The interest rate applies to both the employee’s and employer’s contributions, excluding the EPS portion.

3. Interest Calculation Formula:

  • Monthly Basis: The EPF calculates interest every month and credits it at the end of the financial year. The interest for each month is based on the closing balance of the previous month.

4. Steps to Calculate EPF Interest:

  • Step 1: Calculate the monthly contributions from both the employee and employer (excluding the EPS portion).
  • Step 2: Add the monthly contributions to the opening balance of the EPF account.
  • Step 3: Apply the monthly interest rate (annual rate divided by 12) to the closing balance of the previous month.
  • Step 4: Repeat the process for each month of the financial year.
  • Step 5: The total interest earned over the year is credited to the EPF account at the end of the financial year.

Example Calculation:

Let’s assume the following:

  • Employee’s basic salary and dearness allowance: ₹50,000
  • Employee’s contribution: 12% of ₹50,000 = ₹6,000 per month
  • Employer’s contribution: 12% of ₹50,000 = ₹6,000 per month
  • To EPF: 3.67% of ₹50,000 = ₹1,835 per month
  • To EPS: 8.33% of ₹50,000 = ₹4,165 per month
  • EPF Loan Interest Rate: 8.5% per annum

Monthly Interest Calculation:

  • Opening balance at the start of April: Assume ₹0 (new account)

April’s contribution:

  • Employee’s share: ₹6,000
  • Employer’s share: ₹1,835
  • Total: ₹7,835
  • The Interest Rate of April Month Will be: (0 + 7,835) * (8.5/100) / 12

Repeat this calculation for each subsequent month, adding the contributions and calculating the interest on the previous month’s closing balance.

How to Check EPF Balance and Interest Rate?

There are several ways to check your EPF balance and the interest earned:

1. EPFO Member e-Sewa Portal

  • Step 1: Visit the EPFO Member e-Sewa Portal.
  • Step 2: Log in with your UAN and password, along with the captcha code.
  • Step 3: Click on the “View” tab and select “Passbook.”
  • Step 4: You can view and download your passbook, which shows monthly contributions, total balance, and interest earned.

2. UMANG App

  • Step 1: Download and register on the UMANG app.
  • Step 2: Select “EPFO” under “Services.”
  • Step 3: Click on “Employee Centric Services” and “View Passbook.”
  • Step 4: Enter your UAN and OTP received on your registered mobile number to access your passbook.

3. SMS Service

  • Step 1: Ensure your UAN is linked with your mobile number.
  • Step 2: Send an SMS in the format `EPFOHO UAN <Preferred Language>` to 7738299899.
  • Step 3: You will receive an SMS with your EPF balance and last contribution details.

4. Missed Call Service

  • Step 1: Give a missed call to 011-22901406 from your registered mobile number.
  • Step 2: You will receive an SMS with your EPF balance and details.

5. EPFO Mobile App (m-EPF)

  • Step 1: Download the EPFO mobile app.
  • Step 2: Open the app and select “Member” and “Balance/Passbook.”
  • Step 3: Enter your UAN and registered mobile number to view your EPF balance and passbook.

By using these methods, you can easily check your EPF balance and the interest accrued on your contributions. Periodically check your EPF account to ensure correct contributions and up-to-date account details.

Also Read: EPF Claim Status

Loan on EPF and Interest Rate

EPF allows for partial withdrawals and loans under specific conditions such as medical emergencies, education, and home purchases. The interest rate for EPF loans is typically the same as the interest credited to the EPF account.

  1. Eligibility: Employees can withdraw a portion of their EPF balance for specific purposes.
  2. Interest Rate: The loan doesn’t carry an additional interest rate; instead, the withdrawal amount reduces the balance used to calculate interest.

Comparing EPF and PPF Interest Rates

EPF and PPF (Public Provident Fund) are both popular long-term investment options with government backing, offering secure and steady returns.

  • EPF: Typically offers higher interest rates compared to PPF. Recent EPF interest rates have been around 8.50% to 8.65%.
  • PPF: The interest rate for PPF is revised quarterly and has been around 7% to 8% in recent years.

Key Differences

  1. Contribution Limits: PPF has a maximum annual contribution limit of INR 1.5 lakh, whereas EPF contributions are based on a percentage of the employee’s salary.
  2. Lock-in Period: PPF has a 15-year lock-in period, while EPF can be partially withdrawn under specific conditions.
  3. Tax Benefits: Both EPF and PPF offer tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

Importance of EPF Interest Rate

  1. Retirement Savings: A higher EPF interest rate means a larger retirement corpus, ensuring better financial security post-retirement.
  2. Inflation Hedge: EPF interest rates, being relatively high, help in hedging against inflation, preserving the purchasing power of the savings.
  3. Safe Investment: Since the government backs EPF, it is considered a safe investment option with assured returns.


The EPF interest rate plays a vital role in the financial planning of salaried employees in India. Understand how to determine the interest rate, check your EPF balance and interest, and compare EPF with other investment options like PPF for effective retirement planning.

By regularly monitoring the EPF vs PPF interest rate and balance, employees can make informed decisions about their savings and investments, ensuring a secure financial future.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the present EPF interest rate?

The current Rate of interest on EPF is 8.25% for the financial year 2023-2024. It was raised by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) from 8.15% to 8.25%.

How is the EPF rate of interest calculated?

EPF interest is calculated monthly on the closing balance of the account but is credited annually at the end of the financial year.

Can I take a loan against my EPF balance?

Yes, EPF allows for partial withdrawals under specific conditions such as medical emergencies, education, and home purchases. The loan amount reduces the balance on which interest is calculated.

How can I check my EPF Interest Rate for the year 2024?

You can check your EPF balance through the EPFO member portal, UMANG app, SMS, or missed call service.

How does EPF interest rate compare to PPF?

EPF typically offers a higher interest rate compared to PPF. While EPF interest rates have been around 8.50% to 8.65%, PPF rates are generally around 7% to 8%.

What factors influence the EPF interest rate?

The EPF interest rate is influenced by economic conditions, government policies, and the returns on EPFO investments.

Are EPF contributions eligible for tax deductions?

Yes, contributions made towards EPF are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

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