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Home / Glossary / IPO / Book Building Issue


Investors widely use the Book Building Issue method in the stock market to determine the best price for an IPO (Initial Public Offering) through a demand-driven process. In this method, the issuing company and underwriters assess investor interest by allowing them to place bids within a predefined price range. Book building is the most common approach for public issues in global markets due to its flexibility, market-driven pricing, and transparency.

This comprehensive guide explains what a book building issue is, details the step-by-step process, and highlights its importance in public offerings. It also discusses the types of public issues, the roles of various stakeholders, and common terms associated with book building.

What is a Book Building Issue?

A book building issue is a process in which an issuer (typically a company) collaborates with underwriters to determine the offer price for shares in an IPO. Instead of setting a fixed price, the issuer offers a price range (price band) for the IPO, inviting bids within this range. Based on demand at various price levels, the process determines the final IPO price, known as the cut-off price, aiming to set a market-driven price that optimizes both the company’s capital-raising objectives and investor interests.

Key Elements of a Book Building Issue

Several essential aspects define a book building issue:

  1. Price Band: The issuing company and underwriters set a range of prices within which investors can bid. This band typically has a floor price (minimum) and a cap price (maximum).
  2. Bid Process: Investors place bids specifying the price within the band and the quantity of shares they wish to purchase.
  3. Demand-Based Pricing: The final IPO price is based on the demand observed at different price levels during the bidding period, allowing a fair and transparent price discovery mechanism.
  4. Allotment of Shares: Based on the cut-off price, shares are allotted to investors on a pro-rata or proportionate basis.

Types of Public Issues

Public issues refer to offerings by companies that make shares available to the general public, helping companies raise capital. You can categorize public issues into:

  1. IPO (Initial Public Offering): The first time a company offers its shares to the public.
  2. FPO (Follow-on Public Offering): Additional shares are issued by an already public company to raise more capital.
  3. Rights Issue: Shares are offered to existing shareholders at a discounted rate to raise additional capital.
  4. Preferential Issue: The company issues shares to a select group, such as institutional investors, to raise funds, often at a negotiated price.

Companies can use the book building process for price discovery in each of these types of public issues, but investors most commonly associate it with IPOs.

Book Building Process: Step-by-Step

The book building process follows a well-structured sequence of steps:

1. Setting the Price Band

The first step involves setting a price band, which establishes the minimum (floor price) and maximum (cap price) bid amounts. The company and underwriters usually decide this band after thoroughly analyzing factors such as company valuation, financial performance, and market conditions.

2. Bidding Period Opens

Once the company sets the price band, it begins the bidding period for the IPO, which typically lasts between 3 to 5 days. Investors can place their bids during this period.

3. Investors Place Bids

During the bidding period, interested investors, including retail investors, institutional investors, and non-institutional investors (NIIs), place their bids for the number of shares they wish to purchase at their chosen price within the band.

4. Collecting Demand Data

The underwriters collect bids to gauge demand at each price point within the band. Investors record demand in a “book” that reflects the volume of shares demanded at each bid price, helping determine the optimal price for the issue.

5. Setting the C Shares

Once the cut-off price is set, shares are allocated to successful bidders. Allocation is typically on a proportionate basis if there is excess demand (over-subscription).

7. Listing on the Stock Exchange

After the allotment, the company lists shares on the stock exchange, making them available for trading to the public at the final issue price.

Advantages of the Book Building Process

The book building process is widely used due to its several key advantages:

  1. Market-Driven Price Discovery: The process relies on demand and supply, leading to fair price determination based on market dynamics.
  2. Transparency: Investors can view demand at various prices, fostering a transparent bidding process.
  3. Reduced Underpricing and Overpricing Risks: The method mitigates the risk of mispricing, aligning the share price closer to actual investor demand.
  4. Increased Investor Participation: The company encourages a range of investors—retail, institutional, and non-institutional to participate, enhancing the capital-raising potential.

Roles of Key Stakeholders in Book Building

  • Issuing Company: The organization looking to raise capital by offering shares to the public.
  • Underwriters/Lead Managers: Financial institutions managing the issue process, responsible for setting the price band, inviting bids, and analyzing demand.
  • Bidders: Individuals and entities that place bids for the shares, including retail investors, institutional investors, and high-net-worth individuals.
  • Stock Exchange: The platform where shares are eventually listed and traded post-IPO.

Types of Book Building

Book building can be classified into two types based on the direction of the process:

  1. Traditional Book Building: This is the standard process for IPOs, where bids are collected within the price range and the final price is set based on demand.
  2. Reverse Book Building: Used in cases like share buybacks or delisting, where shareholders specify the price they are willing to accept for selling their shares back to the company.

Comparison of Book Building and Fixed Price Issues

AspectBook BuildingFixed Price Issue
PricingDetermined by market demandSet in advance by the company
Price DiscoveryDynamic, through investor biddingFixed, with no flexibility
TransparencyHigh, with demand visible to allLess transparent
Investor BiddingAllows flexible bids within a rangeOnly at a pre-set price
Risk of UnderpricingLower due to demand-based pricingHigher as price may not match demand

The flexibility and transparency of the book building process make it more favorable for large IPOs, while smaller issues may still utilize the fixed price method.

Importance of Book Building in IPOs

The book building process is essential for IPOs due to several reasons:

  1. Ensures Fair Pricing: By allowing bids within a range, book building achieves a fair share price, reducing the chances of undervaluation or overvaluation.
  2. Market-Reflective: Price determination based on demand ensures that the IPO price aligns closely with market interest.
  3. Encourages Broader Investor Base: Retail, institutional, and non-institutional investors are all given the opportunity to bid, promoting greater investor participation.

Key Terms in Book Building

Understanding the following terms can help investors navigate the book building process:

  • Price Band: The range within which investors can place bids for shares.
  • Floor Price: The minimum bid price in the price band.
  • Cap Price: The maximum bid price in the price band.
  • Cut-Off Price: The price at which shares are allotted, based on demand.
  • Bid Lot: The minimum number of shares an investor must apply for.
  • BRLM (Book Running Lead Manager): The entity responsible for managing the IPO process.

Book Building vs. Public Issue of Shares

A public issue of shares refers to any offering of company shares to the public. While companies use book building to determine share pricing, they can also conduct public issues through a fixed price issue. Investors prefer book building for IPOs because it aligns the issue price more closely with investor interest, while companies more commonly use fixed price issues for rights issues or smaller public offerings.

You may also want to know Book Running Lead Manager (BRLM)

Steps for Investors to Participate in a Book Building Issue

For investors interested in participating in an IPO through the book building process, here’s a general guide:

  1. Research the Company and IPO: Understand the fundamentals of the company, its financials, and the price band.
  2. Decide Bid Amount and Price: Choose a bid price within the price band based on your analysis.
  3. Submit the Bid: Place your bid through your brokerage account.
  4. Monitor Allotment: Successful bidders will receive an allotment based on the final cut-off price.
  5. Listing and Trading: Once the shares are listed, you can choose to hold or sell based on market performance.


The book building issue is a crucial mechanism in the IPO process, allowing a fair and market-driven price discovery. By inviting bids within a price range, companies can assess demand accurately, achieving an offer price that aligns with market sentiment. The book building process not only optimizes IPO pricing but also fosters investor confidence through transparency and inclusivity, making it a cornerstone of modern public offerings.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a book building issue in an IPO?

A book building issue is a process of price discovery where investors place bids within a price band, helping determine the final price for shares in an IPO.

How is the price band decided in book building?

The issuing company and underwriters set a price band based on financial analysis, company valuation, and market conditions.

What is the cut-off price in the book building process?

The cut-off price is the final price at which shares are allotted in the IPO. It’s determined by analyzing demand during the bidding process.

What is reverse book building?

Reverse book building is used in buybacks or delisting, where shareholders place bids to sell shares back to the company at a chosen price.

How is a book building issue different from a fixed price issue?

In a book building issue, investors bid within a range, allowing flexible pricing. In a fixed price issue, shares are offered at a predetermined price with no bidding flexibility.

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